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Written By Admin on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 | 9:45 AM

Salvation by Langston Hughes and Two Kinds by Amy Tan, these stories are
identical if not meaning the same thing. Langston Hughes speaks of, when he had to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as his lord and savior (Hughes, 282), children are under peer pressure all the time. Children have to make big decisions from the time they are able to speak their first word or take that first walk, Amy Tan writes about having a mother who puts the pressure on her to be a prodigy where the piano is concerned (Tan, 383). She has to make the decision whether to go ahead and do what her mother wants her to do or defy her mother and become a normal child and be happy. Both these writers show how hard it is to make decisions no matter what age they are. The theme they are using is one of point of view , along with   location , no matter where the setting is there is always peer pressure for children. Amy Tan is an American Chinese her parents immigrated here from china, she earned a bachelor of arts in 1973 and a Master of Arts in 1974. she shifted from premed to teaching by doing this it caused a break between her and her,   mother for two years, no matter how old they are peer pressure is there. Amy Tan has published several books from 1989 Joy Luck Club to the present, her writing is mainly about four Chinese women and their rebellious daughters. She has accomplished a great deal in her lifetime.      



                                                    Analytical Essay

      Langston Hughes (1902-1967) was born in Joplin Missouri, his parents were fine up standing people, his father was a lawyer , his mother was a teacher. Hughes attended several universities during his young life. He traveled around the world and held different jobs to gain experience. Langston wrote about things that he first handed seen and lived. He also wrote about things that happened to him when he was younger, like the time he was at church and his aunt had been telling him about being saved, and that Jesus was coming to see him. Many children misconstrued the meaning of coming to see me, when an adult try's explaining salvation to the children.   They think he is coming in real life, then when it is time for him to give his profession and no Jesus, this becomes confusing to him.   The pressure of the congregation and other children who are sitting on the front row with him, who have decided to go up to the alter.   This kind of pressure is terrible on any one whether it is a child or adult. Langston was confused, he was not sure if he accepted Jesus since he did not see Jesus in real life, Hughes made
a decision to fib to the pastor, his aunt and the congregation.   Hughes had to deal with the guilt of fibbing to his aunt and god.   Hughes made a big decision at an early age, many children are undecisive when it comes to this kind of decision.   Peer Pressure is a terrible thing to have to deal with when you are a child no matter what age they are.

Analytical Essay

    Tan reveals the importance of parental guidance and how it can often be misunderstood. Both stories teach important life lessons worth remembering, Moments of realization are important themes in these stories "Salvation" and "Two Kinds." Both stories describe characters that undergo a change when they gain a broader understanding of life. By creating situations that allow their characters to discover something important about themselves.   Hughes's background helped him create his style and unique form of writing, he showed that no matter what life handed you things can workout. Tan has overcome the disappointment she felt from her mother, by doing so it has made her stronger in her writing. She has formed a unique style when she writes about the four Chinese women and their willful daughters. Her heritage and family have set the setting for many of her books, the Chinese family are very strict people and believe in keeping face
with the gods, not shaming them by being willful or disobedient to the elders.   Hughes uses his story to illustrate how easy it is for children to misinterpret adults and subsequently become disillusioned.   Adults sometimes forget that children communicate on a much more literal level than they do; their conversation is often sprinkled with metaphors that could have a very different connotation for a young person. For example a child might easily misunderstand the phrase ‘it's raining cats and dogs' or interpret the words ‘Holy Ghost' as an apparition with hollow spaces.  


Analytical Essay

    It is easy to see, that Hughes understood his aunt in a far more literal sense than she had intended. It is quite likely that he really expected Jesus to walk into the room and that there would be a flash of bright light (Hughes, 1940). This high degree of intimacy allows Hughes to supply the reader with some very concrete details and vivid descriptions. The beauty in Hughes' personal insights lies in their power to reach our senses. We can clearly picture the images of old women sitting on the pews with a fan in hand just a fanning themselves.   Langston uses many narrative techniques such as, imagery, metaphors, and irony, to explain his interpretation of that one night when he did not see Jesus.

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